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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
71111 MilutinZecReus11
4 - 2ZOLA
2015-05-08 20:53:40
71110 iTzAndreyXx
3 - 4sebastian
2015-05-08 20:52:02
71109 cevali
2 - 3Jure123
2015-05-08 20:51:44
71108 ElCoty777
3 - 1IvanM10
2015-05-08 20:51:02
71107 .roaa.
1 - 0bedoo
2015-05-08 20:49:40
71106 Roykeane
2 - 1joa2D
2015-05-08 20:49:40
71105 HellrAIDER
3 - 2V1per
2015-05-08 20:49:21
71104 Gena
2 - 3Pablo78
2015-05-08 20:49:06
71103 7agar_pes
2 - 3The_Sniper
2015-05-08 20:48:35
71102 zaki
1 - 2mostafaessam96
2015-05-08 20:46:48
71101 Jorge
1 - 1CamiloAcab.
2015-05-08 20:46:32
71100 MaxyOjeda
4 - 0Toto9
2015-05-08 20:45:27
71099 safiman
0 - 3....Anss....
2015-05-08 20:43:43
71098 David10
0 - 4Diego22
2015-05-08 20:43:42
1 - 2mohmedzied
2015-05-08 20:41:03
71096 Maks08122000
1 - 6Timoha
2015-05-08 20:40:07
71095 fitox
0 - 0Diegojv9
2015-05-08 20:39:33
71094 -Fabiio13-L.A.P
3 - 1Banfield-LAP
2015-05-08 20:38:37
71093 JASSEM07
3 - 4realmadredalking
2015-05-08 20:36:27
71092 ElCoty777
3 - 3IvanM10
2015-05-08 20:35:50