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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
71788 claudio
1 - 5Na_Mosca
2015-05-09 06:41:20
71787 ORTEGA10
1 - 1buonnanote
2015-05-09 06:37:27
71786 SenteyNett
0 - 1Namath
2015-05-09 06:37:27
71785 CamiloAcab.
3 - 2stefanogrone
2015-05-09 06:37:02
71784 Roman1
4 - 0barsaa
2015-05-09 06:34:23
71783 Larry-31
0 - 1CarlosD
2015-05-09 06:32:21
71782 Mancuello11
1 - 4nikito
2015-05-09 06:32:00
71781 argenis95
3 - 3vigfe
2015-05-09 06:29:29
71780 MiG-23
1 - 1AomineDaiki
2015-05-09 06:29:03
71779 RogerArciniegas
2 - 3Samir752
2015-05-09 06:28:53
71778 Rodd
2 - 3Juventus-WL
2015-05-09 06:28:20
4 - 5merooo
2015-05-09 06:26:43
71776 motapod
4 - 0EVEREST17
2015-05-09 06:26:43
71775 ORTEGA10
4 - 4buonnanote
2015-05-09 06:22:07
71774 Marce
1 - 2Gabi98
2015-05-09 06:20:22
71773 Roman1
0 - 0barsaa
2015-05-09 06:19:19
71772 Larry-31
1 - 2CarlosD
2015-05-09 06:19:12
71771 stefanogrone
4 - 1CamiloAcab.
2015-05-09 06:18:40
71770 .KinGo..
2015-05-09 06:18:18
71769 RogerArciniegas
0 - 1Samir752
2015-05-09 06:13:08