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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
73863 _.RMD._
1 - 2taha
2015-05-11 00:47:03
73862 jan
0 - 0NahuelOK
2015-05-11 00:46:53
73861 Optimuse_Bml
3 - 3Sinbad
2015-05-11 00:44:51
73860 Crhis
3 - 5millanes
2015-05-11 00:43:34
73859 No.Osi
2015-05-11 00:42:53
73858 Toma_1
4 - 5Dinno
2015-05-11 00:42:53
1 - 0Marce
2015-05-11 00:41:40
0 - 1agukitmaker
2015-05-11 00:41:25
73855 modycr7
0 - 2mcr7
2015-05-11 00:40:22
73854 Sevellistas
6 - 4pashkes
2015-05-11 00:39:57
73853 13
1 - 3Wolf
2015-05-11 00:39:44
73852 Akrobata
0 - 1sike
2015-05-11 00:38:20
73851 DiegoGrone93
3 - 1Guido_Consiglio
2015-05-11 00:37:19
73850 roman
0 - 0Tomas3238
2015-05-11 00:36:44
73849 rulibj
5 - 0nachitoCABJ
2015-05-11 00:36:02
73848 ElCoty777
2 - 1NachoLp
2015-05-11 00:35:59
73847 HAKIMM
0 - 2kAMAL
2015-05-11 00:35:06
73846 axel-capo
2 - 1nikito
2015-05-11 00:34:00
73845 Aircanada
1 - 0TsuBaSa
2015-05-11 00:33:39
73844 aguro
3 - 1koukou
2015-05-11 00:33:22