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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
74596 Damien79
3 - 5-Saif.Aljabali21-
2015-05-24 21:24:12
74595 zrinkec365
4 - 1Jure123
2015-05-24 21:21:51
74594 zubinho
2 - 9ivan_1992
2015-05-24 21:21:27
74593 Ahmed7
2 - 3ilyes
2015-05-24 21:20:47
74592 _-Bale-_
4 - 3mahmed
2015-05-24 21:15:56
74591 amr
1 - 0Said
2015-05-24 21:15:10
74590 Hugoo
2 - 0ApoMK
2015-05-24 21:13:01
74589 Zidan1998
2 - 7saidi14
2015-05-24 21:07:54
74588 vlancia
1 - 0MatheusDias
2015-05-24 21:05:46
74587 Ahmed7
3 - 2ilyes
2015-05-24 21:04:47
74586 saeed2
1 - 1pedro_
2015-05-24 21:00:57
74585 sizif
1 - 7zrinkec365
2015-05-24 20:56:01
74584 messim
2015-05-24 20:55:52
74583 Zidan1998
2 - 3saidi14
2015-05-24 20:50:22
74582 LordYahya
2 - 07oOdA
2015-05-24 20:48:53
74581 Ahmed7
3 - 0ilyes
2015-05-24 20:48:01
74580 Hugoo
0 - 3ApoMK
2015-05-24 20:47:50
74579 hichem31
3 - 2hamza31
2015-05-24 20:44:42
1 - 1zubinho
2015-05-24 20:42:52
74577 Benis.FC
0 - 2Breno.FC
2015-05-24 20:42:31